“if you see something, say something”
All of us here at Wheeler Painting and Restoration Services take job site safety very seriously. When most talk about job site safety, they are referring to an employee’s personal safety. Today, however, we are going to be discussing job site safety from the perspective of the actual job site, the project location. Regardless if we are on a commercial project or a residential project, the actual site itself being locked down and safe while our crews are onsite is very important. Everyone can see that the world in which we live in has been changing and the streets of our local communities are also changing and not always for the good.
Several years ago, our crew members were able to leave their vehicles unlocked during the day as they went to and from getting tools and materials needed for the job site. Nowadays, not so much even when we are directly in the client’s driveway, vehicles and tool boxes are left locked up. Along the same lines, a few years ago while working on a project, crew members could leave a door propped open to help facilitate all the coming and goings needed for the project. If the crew was working on a residential project and coming and going through the garage door, we were able to leave the garage door rolled up for the day without incident. Those days are long gone. Nowadays with potential squatters and various people aimlessly wondering around, we keep everything locked up. All vehicles, all tools and all doors in and out of the job site are kept locked at all times.
During a project early this year, our crews pulled up to a commercial warehouse facility where we were performing restoration services to the interior office space due to a pipe burst during the holiday season break and we found a person had jumped the wire fencing surrounding the warehouse and was now sleeping up in tree in one of the landscape beds. When we are onsite as the general contractor, we take our responsibilities very seriously which includes the overall safety of the site we are working at. It was no easy task to wake the individual up in the tree or convince them to leave the site, but our team of professionals worked to provide the necessary motivation needed in the situation.
Our crew works from the motto, “if you see something, say something”. We do not need “extra hands” on site that didn’t go through the standard interview process, nor do clients want “strangers” walking around their project – commercial or residential. So from the first time we step on site, all the way through completion and everyday in between, our crews make sure your project and their job site is safe at all times. Until the next crazy story in the Adventures at Wheeler Painting and Restoration Services, be well and do good.