“That’s not my guy in the attic!”
Wheeler Painting and Restoration Services performs a variety of work in attics. Our team of professional carpenters work in attics to perform leak investigations, secure venting, install venting, treat organic growth on framing, install insulation and many other tasks. No matter what the client needs, we can address it – on time and under budget.
Back in 2014, our office received a phone call from a King County Sheriff stating that one of our employees was in a homeowner’s attic, unauthorized. He was being arrested. After being gone at work for the day, a homeowner came home to find a step ladder inside his entryway and his attic access door open. After calling out towards the attic opening, a strange man appeared and said he was almost finished. The startled homeowner called 911 to report a trespasser in his attic and the police came immediately and proceeded to remove the man from the property.
The man did not appear to be in his right state of mind, but was insistent that he was an employee of Wheeler Painting. Because the man was so insistent, the officer looked up our number and called our office. When I received the phone call, I was shocked. I asked several questions of the officer in an effort to try to figure out what was going on. All our employees were accounted for and we did not have any attic work on our schedule. The officer provided me with the city in which this incident was happening and we did not have any active jobs in that area at that time. I asked the officer what the “employee’s” name was and we didn’t have anyone on payroll by that name, nor had we ever had this employee on our payroll. Super strange!
It was a very strange mystery for a good deal of time, until the homeowner revealed that he did have some work performed in his attic about 6 months ago by one of our competitors. Strange as it was, the man in the attic was never an employee of Wheeler Painting and Restoration Services, but due to his altered state of mind, he claimed employment by us. It turns out, he was a former employee of one of our competitors, but was no longer employed by them (or anyone else for that matter), but had fallen on hard times and somehow, some way ended up in someone’s attic where this man “thought” he was performing construction work. The craziest part of all of this is that the man claimed to be an employee of Wheeler Painting and Restoration Services!
In 34 years of our history, we have never had an employee arrested on a job site and we don’t plan to. When you need a professional to perform work in your attic space, Wheeler Painting and Restoration Services are the ones you call. Our highly skilled craftsmen will address the needs of your attic with professionalism and our office will be sure to coordinate the work with you so that you know when people will be in your home. Regardless of what you might need to have done, give us a call today and we will make sure your attic work (or any other type work) is done correctly and without the King County Sheriff needing to show up.
Until the next crazy story in the Adventures at Wheeler Painting and Restoration Services, be well and do good.
P.S. – Keep an ear and an eye open for what might go thud in the attic!